Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unit Testing in C

There are a number of unit test frameworks for C, but they all seem to lack something.

Sure, each can be used to perform automated testing, and some will even generate test stubs for you. But all of them are limited to API testing; that is, the only functions that can be unit-tested are the public API exported in the header files.

C differs from object-oriented languages in that most of the work -- the units to be tested, as it were -- is done in static functions that are not exported. This makes unit-testing, as it stands, all but useless from a C programmer's perspective; there is no compelling reason to use unit tests over the usual "test programs running on test data and returning 0 or 1 to the makefile" approach.

With some small work, however, it is possible to apply a unit test framework to a C project, and to perform actual unit tests (i.e. on static functions). It is a bit ugly, it is a bit invasive (naturally each .c file must contain its own unit tests), but it is scalable and maintainable.

Unit Testing with CHECK

check is a unit testing framework for C (manual). It is primarily designed to be used with the GNU autotools (autoconf, automake, etc), and the documentation is not clear on integrating check with a standard Makefile-based project. The unit tests developed here will serve as an example.

To begin, assume a project with the following directory structure:


The main program, the shared library, has its API in stuff.h, its code in stuff.c, and is built by the Makefile. The unit tests run by check will be in the tests director.y


#ifndef STUFF_H
#define STUFF_H

double do_stuff( double i );



#include <math.h>
#include "stuff.h"

static double step1( double i ) { return i * i; }
static double step2( double i ) { return i + i; }
static double step3( double i ) { return pow( i, i ); }

double do_stuff( double i ) { return step3( step2( step1( i ) ) ); }


# Library Makefile
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
NAME        =    stuff
LIBNAME     =    lib$(NAME).so
ARCHIVE     =    lib$(NAME).a

DEBUG       =    -DDEBUG -ggdb
OPT         =    -O2
ERR         =    -Wall
INC_PATH    =    -I.
LIB_PATH    =   

CC          =     gcc
LD          =    ld
AR          =    ar rc
RANLIB      =    ranlib
RM          =    rm -f

LIBS        =    -lm
CC_FLAGS    =     $(INC_PATH) $(DEBUG) $(OPT) $(ERR) -fPIC
LD_FLAGS    =    $(LIB_PATH) $(LIBS) -shared -soname=$(LIBNAME)

SRC         =     stuff.c

OBJ         =     stuff.o

#---------------------------------------------------------- Targets
all: $(LIBNAME)
.PHONY: all clean check

    $(AR) $(ARCHIVE) $^

    $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) --whole-archive $< --no-whole-archive -o $@

.c.o: $(SRC)
    $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

    [ -f $(LIBNAME) ] && $(RM) $(LIBNAME)|| [ 1 ]
    [ -f $(ARCHIVE) ] && $(RM) $(ARCHIVE)|| [ 1 ]
    [ -f $(OBJ) ] && $(RM) $(OBJ) || [ 1 ]
    cd tests && make clean

check: $(LIBNAME)
    cd tests && make && make check

So far, this is all pretty straightforward stuff. The Makefile in the tests directory will contain all of the check-specific settings.


# Unit-test Makefile
#--------------------------------------------------------- Definitions
TGT_NAME    =    stuff
TGT_SRC     =    ../stuff.c

OPT         =    -O2 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
ERR         =    -Wall
INC_PATH    =    -I. -I..
LIB_PATH    =    -L..
LD_PATH     =     ..

CC          =     gcc
RM          =    rm -f

# NOTE: check libs must be enclosed by --whole-archive directives
CHECK_LIBS  =    -Wl,--whole-archive -lcheck -Wl,--no-whole-archive
LIBS        =    -lm $(CHECK_LIBS)  

# NOTE: UNIT_TEST enables the static-function test case in stuff.c
# NOTE: check libs must be enclosed by --whole-archive directives
LD_FLAGS    =    $(LIB_PATH)

# Test Definitions (to be added later)
TESTS       = 

#---------------------------------------------------------- Targets
all: $(TESTS)
.PHONY: all clean check

    $(RM) $(TESTS) *.gcno *.gcda

        @for t in $(TESTS); do                          \
                LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$(LD_PATH)' ./$$t;     \

There are a few things to take note of here.

First, the compiler options profile-arcs and test-coverage cause check to perform test coverage profiling. See the the manual for details.

Next, libcheck.a (there is no .so) is added to the linker options, enclosed in --whole-archive directives so that the linker will not discard what it thinks are unused object files. This last point is important; when linking a static library into a dynamic library, --whole-archive must be used.

Finally, the preprocessor definition UNIT_TEST is added to the compiler options. This will be used to ensure that unit tests do not get built into a distribution version of

Simple Unit Test

The first unit test will be a simple one that ensures the library links with no errors. This is a common problem when developing a shared library; unresolved symbols will not be reported until an executable is linked to the library.


#include <stuff.h>

int main(void) { return (int) do_stuff( 32.0 ); }

Add a make target for this first test.


# Test 1 : Simple test to ensure that linking against the library succeeds
TEST1        =    test_link
TEST1_SRC    =    test_link.c

TEST1_LIBS   =    $(LIBS) -l$(TGT_NAME)

TESTS        =    $(TEST1)

# ...

$(TEST1): $(TEST1_SRC)
    $(CC) $(TEST1_FLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(TEST1_LIBS)

Note that the lines before # ... go in the definitions (top) part of the Makefile, while the lines after it go in the targets (bottom) part of it.

This first test can now be run:

bash# make check
gcc -I.  -DDEBUG -ggdb -O2  -Wall -fPIC -o stuff.o -c stuff.c
ar rc libstuff.a stuff.o
ranlib libstuff.a
ld  -lm  -shared --whole-archive libstuff.a --no-whole-archive -o
cd tests && make && make check
make[1]: Entering directory `stuff/tests'
gcc -I. -I.. -O2 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -Wall -DUNIT_TEST -L.. -Wl,--whole-archive -lstuff -lcheck -Wl,--no-whole-archive  -o test_link test_link.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `stuff/tests'
make[1]: Entering directory `stuff/tests'
make[1]: Leaving directory `stuff/tests'

Success! Note that the link test does not involve check; make will error out if the linking fails. Pedantic unit testers may want to take the route of making the test fail first (by invoking, say, do_nothing() in test_link.c) in order to convince themselves that it works.

Testing Static Functions

Testing a static function requires embedding the test code in the file that contains the function. The UNIT_TEST preprocessor directive will prevent the unit test from being compiled in non-unit-test binaries.

First, append the test code to the end of the library code.


/* ================================================================= */
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include <check.h>
<stdlib.h>    /* for rand() */

START_TEST (test_step1)
    double d = (double) rand();
    fail_unless( step1(d) == (d * d), "Step 1 does not square" );

START_TEST (test_step2)
    double d = (double) rand();
    fail_unless( step2(d) == (d + d), "Step 2 does not double" );

START_TEST (test_step3)
    double d = (double) rand();
    fail_unless( step3(d) == pow(d, d), "Step 3 does not exponentiate" );

TCase * create_static_testcase(void) {
    TCase * tc = tcase_create("Static Functions");
    tcase_add_test(tc, test_step1);
    tcase_add_test(tc, test_step2);
    tcase_add_test(tc, test_step3);
    return tc;


The START_TEST and END_TEST macros are provided by check, as are the tcase_ routines. The strategy here is to define a single exported function, create_static_testcase, which the unit-test binaries will link to.

The next step is to add a unit test suite to the test directory.


#include <check.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stuff.h>

#define SUITE_NAME "Stuff"

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* TESTS */

START_TEST (test_stuff_diff)
    double d = (double) rand();
    fail_unless ( do_stuff(d) != d, "do_stuff doesn't!" );

START_TEST (test_stuff_rand)
    double d = (double) rand();
    double dd = d * d;
    double sumdd = dd + dd;
    fail_unless ( do_stuff(d) == pow(sumdd, sumdd), "Incorrect result" );

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SUITE */

extern TCase * create_static_testcase(void);

Suite * create_suite(void) {
    Suite *s = suite_create( SUITE_NAME );

    /* Create test cases against library API */
    TCase *tc_core = tcase_create ("Core");
    tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_stuff_diff);
    tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_stuff_rand);
    suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core);

    /* Create test cases against static functions */
    suite_add_tcase( s, create_static_testcase() );

    return s;

int main( void ) {
    int num_fail;
    Suite *s = create_suite();
    SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s);
    srunner_run_all (sr, CK_NORMAL);
    num_fail = srunner_ntests_failed (sr);
    srunner_free (sr);
    return (num_fail == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

This file creates a test suite that contains two tests of the library API (defined in test_stuff.c) and three tests of the static functions (defined in stuff.c). The entire suite will be run when the unit-test binary is executed.

Finally, the new test must be added to tests/Makefile, as discussed earlier.


# Test 2 : Actual unit tests against source code
# NOTE: this cannot link against the library as it incorporates the source code
TEST2        =    test_$(TGT_NAME)
TEST2_SRC    =     $(TEST2).c \

TEST2_LIBS   =    $(LIBS) 

TESTS        =    $(TEST1) $(TEST2)

# ...

$(TEST2): $(TEST2_SRC)
    $(CC) $(TEST2_FLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(TEST2_LIBS)

Now all of the tests will be run when the make target is invoked:

gcc -I.  -DDEBUG -ggdb -O2  -Wall -fPIC -o stuff.o -c stuff.c
ar rc libstuff.a stuff.o
ranlib libstuff.a
ld  -lm  -shared --whole-archive libstuff.a --no-whole-archive -o
cd tests && make && make check
make[1]: Entering directory `stuff/tests'
gcc -I. -I.. -O2 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -Wall -DUNIT_TEST -L.. -Wl,--whole-archive -lstuff -lcheck -Wl,--no-whole-archive  -o test_link test_link.c
gcc -I. -I.. -O2 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -Wall -DUNIT_TEST -L.. -Wl,--whole-archive -lstuff -lcheck -Wl,--no-whole-archive  -o test_stuff test_stuff.c ../stuff.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `stuff/tests'
make[1]: Entering directory `stuff/tests'
Running suite(s): Stuff
100%: Checks: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
make[1]: Leaving directory `stuff/tests'


  1. Isn't the `for` loop in your target `check` flawed? It'll *only* return a failure exit code if the test on the *final* iteration fails.

  2. Yes, that was by design. I suppose this could have been made clear by invoking 'true' after the for loop.

    In the actual project, the parent Makefile ignored the output of the 'make check' target so that all unit tests in all modules are run, with the results redirected (via >) to a report file. What is important is the output of check, not its exit status (unless you are doing automated builds that should fail if unit tests fail).

    By the time this hit production, I had added a variable containing the path to a report file to the Makefiles. This allowed the output of check to be written to the report file, with the noisy make output removed. The result was clean enough to be appended to the software validation reports that gov't regulators love so much.

    In an unrelated note, I also added "link check" tests in the check target which verify that a shared library can be linked to without any unresolved symbols. This simply amounted to a .c file among the unit tests that would invoke the library init() and term() functions (or alloc/delete, or any trivial functions exported by the library). Obviously using check will expose unresolved-symbol errors anyways, but it is nice (especially for debugging and reporting purposes) to have a dedicated test for this.

  3. hi
    thanks for the code and details .
    I tried the code but it gave me error " undefined reference to do_stuff"
    can you tell me why

    1. Ah yes, our build engineer caught this in the production build some time ago.

      The problem is that GCC, as usual, broke backwards compatibility and did not update their error messages to reflect this. The actual change is in ld: libraries specified with the -l flag must now come *after* the object (or source) files which reference them (instead of *before*, which has been common --or at least widespread-- practice for a long time). An alternative to changing the order in every Makefile is to use the -( flag.

      From the ld man page:
      "The linker will search an archive only once, at the location where it is specified on the command line. If the archive defines a symbol which was undefined in some object which appeared before the archive on the command line, the linker will include the appropriate file(s) from the archive. However, an undefined symbol in an object appearing later on the command line will not cause the linker to search the archive again.
      "See the -( option for a way to force the linker to search archives multiple times."

      The Makefiles in the post have been updated to address this change in the behavior of ld.

    2. thanks for the reply
      Im kind of new in makefile, I'll be very thankful if you can show me how and where can use I use -( in makefile ,because still have the same problelm

    3. You should be able to use the Makefiles in the post -- I updated them so that the order of the link targets is fixed.

      To use the -( flag in the Makefile, add it to TEST1_LIBS in tests/Makefile:

      TEST1_LIBS = -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -l$(TGT_NAME) -Wl, --end-group

      The ld man page has more details. I chose the long form of the option (--start-group, --end-group) instead of the short form as it will be easier to use when testing the command line on the shell.

      SO also has an question which provides more detail on the options:

  4. For testing static stuff, rather than embedding the tests at the end of the "stuff.c" source code and using -DUNIT_TEST to "turn them on", why not write your static tests in the separate "test_stuff.c" file and have that file #include "stuff.c".

    This means the code with the static functions that you want to test is inlined and built into the same test_stuff.o object file, hence the tests in it can access the static functions.
