What follows is a simple implementation. The number of columns is limited to 1, items are read-only, there is no DnD support, and the model only supports the Display role for item data. Needless to say, these features are easy enough to implement, and would only distract from the example of subclassing Qt::AbstractItemModel.
The Model
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A basic tree model. The contents of all tree nodes are determined by the ModelItems, not the Model, so they may be loaded lazily.
class Model < Qt::AbstractItemModel
signals 'dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)'
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The invisible root item in the tree.
attr_reader :root
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The invisible root item in the tree.
attr_reader :root
def initialize(parent=nil)
@root = nil
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Load data into Model. This just creates a few fake items as an example. A full implementation would create and fill the top-level items after creating.
Note: @root is created here in order to make clearing easy. A clear() method just needs to set root to ModelItem.new('').
Note: @root is created here in order to make clearing easy. A clear() method just needs to set root to ModelItem.new('').
def load()
@root = ModelItem.new('',nil)
ModelItem.new('First', @root)
ModelItem.new('Second', @root)
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This treats an invalid index (returned by Qt::ModelIndex.new) as the index of @root.
All other indexes have the item itself stored in the 'internalPointer' field.
See AbstractItemModel#createIndex.
def itemFromIndex(index)
return @root if not index.valid?
=begin rdoc
Return the index of the parent item for 'index'.
The key here is to treat the invalid index (returned by Qt::ModelIndex.new) as the index of @root. All other (valid) indexes are generated by AbstractItemModel#createIndex. Note that the item itself is passed as the third parameter (internalPointer) to createIndex.
See ModelItem#parent and ModelItem#childRow.
=end def index(row, column=0, parent=Qt::ModelIndex.new)
item = itemFromIndex(parent)
if item
child = item.child(row)
return createIndex(row, column, child) if child
=begin rdoc
Return the index of the parent item for 'index'.
This is made a bit complicated by the fact that the ModelIndex must be created by AbstractItemModel.
The parent of the parent is used to obtain the 'row' of the parent. If the parent is root, the invalid Modelndex is used as usual.
def parent(index)
return Qt::ModelIndex.new if not index.valid?
item = itemFromIndex(index)
parent = item.parent
return Qt::ModelIndex.new if parent == @root
pparent = parent.parent
return Qt::ModelIndex.new if not pparent
createIndex(pparent.childRow(parent), 0, parent)
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Return data for ModelItem. This only handles the case where Display Data (the text in the Tree) is requested.
def data(index, role)
return Qt::Variant.new if (not index.valid?) or role != Qt::DisplayRole
item = itemFromIndex(index)
item ? item.data : Qt::Variant.new
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Set data in a ModelItem. This is just an example to show how the signal is emitted.
def data=(index, value, role)
return false if (not index.valid?) or role != Qt::DisplayRole
item = itemFromIndex(index)
return false if not item
item.data = value.to_s
emit dataChanged(index, index)
alias :setData :data=
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Delegate rowCount to item.
See ModelItem#rowCount.
def rowCount(index)
item = itemFromIndex(index)
item ? item.rowCount : 0
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Only support 1 column
def columnCount(index)
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All items can be enabled only.
def flags(index)
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Don't supply any header data.
def headerData(section, orientation, role)
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An example of a ModelItem for use in the above Model. Note that it does not need to descend from QObject.
The ModelItem consists of a data member (the text displayed in the tree), a parent ModelItem, and an array of child ModelItems. This array corresponds directly to the Model 'rows' owned by this item.
An example of a ModelItem for use in the above Model. Note that it does not need to descend from QObject.
The ModelItem consists of a data member (the text displayed in the tree), a parent ModelItem, and an array of child ModelItems. This array corresponds directly to the Model 'rows' owned by this item.
class ModelItem
attr_accessor :data
attr_accessor :parent
attr_reader :children
def initialize(data, parent=nil)
@data = data
@parent = parent
@children = []
parent.addChild(self) if parent
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Return the ModelItem at index 'row' in @children. This can be made lazy by using a data source (e.g. database, filesystem) instead of an array for @children.
def child(row)
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Return row of child that matches 'item'. This can be made lazy by using a data source (e.g. database, filesystem) instead of an array for @children.
def childRow(item)
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Return number of children. This can be made lazy by using a data source (e.g. database, filesystem) instead of an array for @children.
def rowCount
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Used to determine if the item is expandible.
def hasChildren
childCount > 0
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Add a child to this ModelItem. This puts the item into @children.
def addChild(item)
@children << item
This should serve as a basic implementation of an AbstractItemModel.
Realistically, ModelItem would be subclassed to represent different types of items in the data source, each of which would also (likely) be subclassed from ModelItem. This allows a browsable tree to be created for navigating data hierarchies.
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